Foundation for small aid projects in Africa
Project: Income Generation AIDS Patient
Project owner and executor (beneficiary): Mr. Morgan
Contact: Musole administration info@musole.nl / contact page Musole
Country: Zambia
Duration: 2004 – 2005
Former project account holder: Lottie Merkus- van Zwol
Author: Musole administration
This project was proposed by the project holder. The beneficiary, Mr. Morgan was an AIDS patient who spported his largely extended family. When his illness emerged, he was unable to pursue his professional job as a bank manager. Mr. Morgan wanted to build a luxury villa, in order to obtain a constant income for his family through the rent. Supported by the financial imput of the project holder offered to him through the Musole Foundation, he was able to carry out his plan for the construction of this house. And thanks to the house project, he was able to continue his family responsibilities for many years.
Construction and rental
The construction of the house went smoothly, but the rental went differently than originally planned.
The house could have supplied maximum revenues if it were, for example, let out to a a wealthy family or a foreign development organization. Mr. Morgan let out rooms, however, to individuals. And when he himself needed a place to live, he just moved in.

Indirect effects and follow-up
While the house was under construction, Mr. Morgan evolved from a depressed, morbid, defeated and dependent person, into someone with increasing self-esteem. Next, he was even offered a decent job in his field, presumably because some people in the town (Solwesi, now a city) had noticed how he managed to create something positive with patience, dedication and tenacity, and they had regained confidence in him.
Since a few years now, Mr. Morgan is employed by the John Snow (JSI) USAID SAFE project that fights AIDS. With his knowledge in the field of financial management and accounting and his own experiences as an AIDS patient, he advises other AIDS patients and ensures that the JSI project accounts are correct.
Nowadays (in 2020) the house is also the home for his elderly mother, who has become bedridden after a number of strokes or tia’s, and in need of help. His aunt who helps the mother, is her inseparable, also elderly sister, who still suffers herself from the effects of cancer after a mastectomy, but takes care of the mother as well as she can. Actually, it’s too hard a job for her. The fact that there is also room in the house for a nephew, who is helping out with the cooking and housekeeping is a convenient advantage. And there is also enough space, if necessary, to accommodate family visitors and his own children.
So even though there are no rooms let out anymore, the higher objective of the project has been achieved: thanks to the contribution of the project holder for the construction of this house, Mr. Morgan has since been able to fulfil his family responsibilities over the years.
Photo’s (including on the sidebar): © Lottie Merkus- van Zwol