Foundation for small aid projects in Africa
Project: Special Education for Youngsters
Project owner and executor (beneficiary): Cathryn Phiri
Contact: Musole administration info@musole.nl / contact page Musole
Country: Zambia
Duration: 2003 (2001) – 2007
Project account holder and author: Monica Commandeur
This project, which actually already started in August 2001, was the reason for the creation of the Musole Foundation in 2003. Three young people aged 16 and 15, who had difficulties with their social communication and/or were traumatised, were given the opportunity to overcome their learning disabilities with Montessori education. Musole was the most timid among them. The creation of the Musole Foundation in 2003 allowed the project holder to maintain support for the individual Montessori education of all three youngsters for a total of nearly seven years.
In 2001 the project holder visited the family of a late friend in Zambia, who had died in 1997. The widows eldest children (16-year-old twins and 15-year-old girl) showed psychological difficulties. They appeared socially and communicatively inhibited and/or traumatized. The son called Musole was the most timid. Psychological help did not seem available.

In the town centre (Kabwe) there was, however, a private school (Excelence Christian Academy) that worked with the individual learning system of Maria Montessori. Consequently, this school seemed suitable for overcoming their learning disabilities. Although they had always been sent to school by their parents, a test showed that the youngsters had a level of 2nd to 5th grade primary school, depending on the school subject.

In September 2001 the youngsters started their education at the school. Within six months, the twin brothers both obtained their “7th grade diploma”. A year later, their sister also passed the “7th grade”.
The boys were also provided with bicycles for their transport to school. However, this proved unsuccessful: due to bad roads and a lack of proper bicycle maintenance, the bikes barely lasted a year.
Passing through high school was a much more difficult process. In the end, all three youngsters had passed part of the exam subjects at the level of the 9th and part of the 12th grade (necessary for all higher education). However, the achievement of this period was that all three had become less timid and stressed.
Afterwards, the young men found jobs as salesmen, mechanics and drivers. Their most impressive talent, however, was playing football. Musole was often allowed to train in the big stadium in town, although a real football career remained beyond his reach.
A few years later, one after the other twin brother appeared to be suffering from a congenital heart condition. Musole died in 2011 (age 26); his twin brother a year later. Their sister married, got two daughters and learned to manage a small business.

Photo’s: © Monica Commandeur (1,2,3) & © Mwiya Mwiya sr. (sidebar)